Around the Corner

I’m sitting in front of my glowing wood stove grateful for this gloomy, rainy day. Sunny would have been fine too but on days like this, I feel license to do inside things. If it were more beautiful outside I’d berate myself for not going for a walk or at least pretend to clean my messy garden. But there’s a chill and keeping an eye on the log situation becomes an important task. Not that it’s really very cold – but there’s my excuse for sitting here on a Saturday afternoon.

Ruminating is valuable and lately I feel pressed to do more of it and to pay closer attention to what’s going on both in and around me. Besides, tomorrow’s my birthday and certainly a significant reason for reflection, as if I need one. Mind you, I don’t bemoan any additional years on my downward, post-50 slope. As far as I know, it’s better than the alternative. I love life and am very curious about what the future might hold – even as I reflect on the past.

This year is full of personal landmarks. Twenty years in the same job, twenty years since I bought my house, and twenty years since my mother died (when she was only 6 years older than I am now). And this May, Molly graduates from college. All of this feels momentous, rich and significant. For these twenty years I’ve maintained this sometimes challenging balancing act of stability through some significant insanity. And here we are, pretty rock-steady, my kiddo and me, both wondering about what the future holds.

As I listen to Molly ponder her next steps, I wonder the same. Sometimes I’ve felt paralyzed by the challenge but lately, I’m inspired and feel almost giddy with a sense of possibility. All I need to do is just carry on to the next corner to see what’s there, right?

And plan the party.

9 thoughts on “Around the Corner”

  1. So true! Beautiful days are a joy, but they do demand outside activity. I have a cozy fire at my back right now, and often I’m not quite ready to let these indoor days go when spring arrives. I had the same chat wit myself when Casey LEFT for college – that this new phase of life for HER was a new phase for me as well. Faith in the unfolding is a constant mantra for me….the challenge is how much of that unfolding to leave up to the Universe and how much is MY responsibility!

  2. Yes! Carry on to the next corner, and the next, and the next. There will be some glorious things around those corners — the best is yet to come.

  3. Happy Birthday, Tricia!!! Hope you have a wonderful day, month, and year. And so glad to read you feel giddy with possibility. May you let that giddiness take you wherever you want to go. xox

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