Mornings are still dark when I wake and recently I opened my eyes and saw the moon just outside my window. My head still on the pillow, I spent a few minutes staring at it clear and silver in the sky. Full or close to it, waxing or waning, I’m not sure and it doesn’t matter. It’s the same moon and always there even if we cannot see it and that’s a comfort to me. I thought of the distance, all that space between me and the moon and about the incredible spinning involved to keep us all here. Thinking so much beyond what will I wear today or make for lunch was a great way to start the work day.
Looking up at the sky, thinking about space, casting my gaze at the stars or the sun or even a passing plane – my brain seems to expand. It feels as good as a stretch. A psychic stretch. My imagination gets charged by this simple exercise of thinking beyond where I am while being where I am. Realizing the vastness of being in the present. Does that make sense?
Meanwhile, back on earth on this Sunday morning, I went with my friend Tracy for a hike. We tramped on a path through the woods – nonstop talking because we always have so much to catch up on and even later, I think of something else I meant to tell her. She’s that kind of dear friend. We walked through the intermittent rain across a field and down a nice wide trail and through wetlands full of skunk cabbage and fiddleheads, past boulders and ponds. We were welcomed into this wood by a magnificent pileated woodpecker – gigantic and noisy. Cool and damp, smells and sounds (the birds!) of Spring. The just emerging leaves creating a soft green wash across the landscape.
We saw only one runner, a dog walker and 2 women – our age and gabbing like we were. One of them under an umbrella. Tracy and I both had hoods and weren’t worried about getting wet and she also didn’t care when I got mud in her car. And on the drive back, she asked what that noise was without being too worried and I suggested it was the wind through her car’s skylight. But when we stopped for coffee, I opened the car door and discovered that the sleeve of my jacket had been flapping outside. We laughed hard because it was so silly and we were happy. The coffee was good and I feel grateful to be spinning along and out on this planet during the morning hours in the sweet early greening of Spring.
What did you do this weekend?
I did get to do some “forest bathing” yesterday. I am happy to see your posts again. You are correct; let them fly, for this one is great just as is.
I love this elegant and comforting piece. Felt like I was right alongside you on your woodsy, damp walk!
Thank you, Thomas! I appreciate your encouragement.
What a lovely day you had, and a lovely way with words. I like that about the psychic stretch. It does do us good to look out into the far reaches of the universe. And also walks and laughter with friends. It did my heart good to be with you today. thank you for that.
Thanks Trish for giving me some images —of you talking, of you laughing, of the New England woods (I can do without the skunk cabbage, thank you very much!). This weekend I wore myself out in the garden. So much more still to do always but worked till I couldn’t move. Keeps obsessive thoughts at bay. Keep writing and snapping (figuratively and literally)!
Lovely writing, as always, and a reminder to appreciate what’s in front of me…
LOVED our hike and our chats, always enjoy my time with you 🙂 xo