In a brief walk around my garden this morning, this is what I found:

But most upsetting of all is this –

That flash of green is his foot wrapped in gauze. To be fair, the groundhog responsible for Tetley having to wear this mortifying cone is dead. He killed 3 in one week. Not the beast of a rodent lurking around here for years, but smaller ones. A 4th adolescent (at least) has been brazenly loping about, teasing my brave hunter who throws himself against the screen door to get at him.
Not a banner garden year, as you can see. Between the weeds and the critters and some scorching days, I’ve lost heart. Not quite given up but certainly disheartened. I drove by a community garden yesterday – all neatly penned-in and bursting with health. How does your garden grow?
Down with groundhogs! Bad, bad beasts.
I’m lucky to have a fence around my garden, but creatures still get in occasionally. In my case, it’s the squirrels who drive me nuts – they eat the peaches and apples before they’re ripe, and then, realizing their mistake, they leave the half eaten remains lying around to attract wasps….grrrrr
You have peaches!? Fantastic!