To Every Season

Something about autumn – my pining for summer has (mostly) faded and changing leaves, temperature and wardrobe triggers a vague hankering. I too, think about changing. Oh, only abstractly.  My daughter is a junior in high school so I’m not going anywhere yet and savor these last sure two years of her at home. But then… I have begun to think: what next?

I would also be a bit of a fool were I not to ponder this question.  With the business in such a state of flux, who knows how much longer I will have my lovely gig at the bookstore? I should think of alternatives. And I like to.  ‘Alternative’ is a way of being that I embrace – that’s the direction I’d head. This long spell of diligently working 40 plus hours a week, maintaining the mortgage, the life – the stability my daughter craves and loves, has had plenty of joys – and is hopefully not quite over yet. But still healthy, strong and with my wits about me, it’s not terrible for me to imagine doing other things to bring in the bucks. I remind myself not worry too much about the reading-gadget wars and online shopping closing down this era in my life — and have started reading up on raising Alpacas…

2 thoughts on “To Every Season”

  1. Tricia,
    It’s funny to me that you bring up “it’s not terrible for me to imagine doing other things to bring in the bucks.” I, too, have been working through the idea that there are perhaps more alternative or unconventional ways to bring in the money. Why default to what everyone else calls traditional and expected? You sound like you are already aware of that and are just voicing the thought here, but it was inspiring for me to run into someone pondering the same thing.

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