Forsythia is fading fast and daffodils are already shriveling. Last week’s days of summer temperatures seems to have fast forwarded us. I wanted to get into the weather car speeding us towards summer and put on the brakes. Too fast! The heat itself doesn’t bother me although I haven’t yet managed to do the seasonal clothes change thing (and I prefer this direction!) and so, spend such days, a little overheated. Much happier to be hot than cold, I never complain. I feel like it slows me down to a more leisurely pace.
Still feeling behind in terms of the garden although I managed to plant some rainbow chard, kale, lettuce and peas last week. The next morning, looked out the window to see a squirrel digging up the chard seeds – munching away as he looked around. No wonder entire plantings from last year never even surfaced from the soil to be eaten by the groundhog. Crazily, year after year, I plant again although I know this lumbering creature will climb the wall or dig a tunnel right into our little plot and devour what I plant. Eyeing some seedlings at a garden store last week of red leaf lettuce and other beautiful leaves, I thought – a ready meal for the groundhog, and left them there. I try and plant things he doesn’t want. Or just a lot of what he does so we get some too. We have onions and leeks and a big bag of lettuce seeds this year. We will do battle again. And he’ll probably get the soybeans (love edamame!) before me, but I remain an optimist.